Fiction Books Featuring Herbalists and Herbalism
We went on the hunt for the best fiction books featuring our favorite green-thumbed heroes—herbalists.
We went on the hunt for the best fiction books featuring our favorite green-thumbed heroes—herbalists.
Shaena Heartwood is a Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine graduate and the owner of Humble Creek Farm where she and her family grow a diverse array of medicinal herbs, pollinator flowers, and native fruits, and with that abundance create herbalist-formulated seasonal herbal care products that honor the land and nourish the home and body.
Aphrodisiac herbs are plants that elevate, nourish, or sustain our sexual or sensual desires. This Herbal Aphrodisiac Shortbread Cookie recipe is delightfully decadent and not too sweet. The cacao nibs, which are small pieces of the cacao bean, provide a rich and nutty crunch, while the rose water adds the lightest floral note. The rose petals contribute a splash of alluring color to entice the eyes along with the nose. These cookies are tasty as a stand-alone treat, but we also love them biscotti-style, served with coffee or tea.
Whether you grow your own herbs or purchase them from a bulk supplier, storing dried herbs properly will ensure they enjoy a long life filled with potency and freshness. In this article, we’ll share the basic rules of thumb for storing dried herbs (and tinctures, infused honeys, herbal oils, salves, and powdered herbs), plus we’ll impart our tips for finding the best high-quality bulk herbs to use in your home apothecary.
Paradoxically, herbal bitters make life sweet, as they have a profound effect on our enjoyment of food—one of life’s great pleasures. You might also say they improve our relationship with food, as many digestive woes can be corrected simply by adding bitters to the diet.
We recently had a conversation with Star Feliz (they/them) of Botánica Cimarrón for our Student Business Spotlight series. Star is a clinical herbalist, full-spectrum doula, spiritual guide, and Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine graduate. They practice Afro-Taino Caribbean and Western herbalism, drawing creative inspiration from their ancestral lineage and a big imagination for an earth-healing future.
Give the perfect present to your herbal loved one! Giving a great gift is an art. Giving an herbal gift is to know and love the plant person in your life. To help you find the perfect present, we’ve compiled an herbal gift-giving guide featuring special items from small makers to please your herbally-inclined loved ones. For fun and ease, we’ve grouped these gifts into categories suited to unique plant personas.
Rich and sultry, compound butters generously lend a delectable flavor and silky texture to almost any dish. They can be slathered onto baked roots, fresh bread, and crackers or used to roast veggies or meat. Fruity, sour, and sweet butters are delicious with pancakes, muffins, or waffles. When you set the table with buttery herbal spreads, every occasion instantly feels special—from Sunday brunch to your best friend’s birthday dinner.
If you experience overwhelm in your life—whether from insomnia, anxiety, or burning the candle at both ends—the medicinal benefits of ashwagandha bring many blessings. Ashwagandha calms and heals your nervous system, refreshes sleep cycles, invigorates immune resilience, and infuses your entire being with strength. This charismatic herb heralds from India, the Middle East, and Northern Africa. Ashwagandha’s medicinal use in the Western world is thanks to the traditional healers of these regions, who cherish its healing root for countless ailments.
Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine graduate Jodi McKee, proprietor and herbalist behind Jewelweed, a small-batch herbal apothecary and healing venue located just outside of Minneapolis, MN, talks to us for our Student Business Spotlight series. The shop was named in honor of the local wildflower that grows prolifically nearby. Jewelweed offers an exclusive in-house seasonal line of handcrafted products made with organic or locally-grown and wildcrafted plants.