Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine
What Graduates are Saying About Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine:

Before I started at the Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine I was already a practicing community medicine-maker, but I didn't realize how much of a learning structure I was truly craving until I delved into the coursework. The impact was so measurable! It was helpful to have new materials for reference and confidently move through blocks in my practice. I continue referencing the herbal knowledge I gained at Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine when I'm formulating medicine, working with clients, and teaching classes at Botánica Cimarrón.

Chestnut was my first real step into becoming an herbalist….Truly invaluable in my journey with the plants! Becoming a medicinal plant farmer is the melding of all the passions I have: healing, chemistry, beekeeping and pollination, ecology, herbalism, and plant restoration. My knowledge of the plants informs my decisions as a farmer on how to design the growing spaces, which crops to focus on and when, and an insight into the overall health of the farm and land. My goal is to continue to transform this farm into a thriving oasis of medicinals (both threatened and abundant), pollinators, and local ecology. The gifts of the land are then transformed into usable remedies and supportive products for humans to heal and thrive.

The Chestnut School of Herbs gave me the knowledge, inspiration, and confidence to start my herbal business. My husband and I started out with just a few products and now have grown to a wide variety of herbal goodies. I constantly refer back to the herbal courses and love that I have lifetime access. Everything about the course is so beautiful, and the teachers make it fun and easy to learn. I love that herbal folklore is woven throughout the courses, and have loved blending two of my passions together: herbs and folklore. Thank you!

The lessons challenged me to believe that whatever I want to accomplish, it is up to me. I was determined to try even if I didn't know how my projects would turn out. I am really proud of myself for pushing through. I came in knowing how to plant seeds and now I know how to forage, create products, infuse, and incorporate herbs and edible flowers into my dishes which was super fun to create. I'm so grateful I am now able to share what I've learned and I am inspired to create space while hosting workshops for community to embrace the endless offerings that our plant allies have to offer. I sit in gratitude for the positive exchange I was offered at CSHM and hope many more can have this experience.

I searched for months to find a course that approached herbalism with a balance of scientific, social, and ancestral acumen. What the Chestnut team has managed to accomplish is undeniably incredible. From the gendered language audit, to the pieces about ancestry, cited sources to the magical mnemonics, this course was at once incredibly informative, honest, and joyful. I have so much respect for the whole team and all the work put into this course. How beautiful is it to know that you all have made such a profound impact on individuals, spiderwebbed into communities, all over the world. Thank you.

Even having studied and practiced herbalism for over a decade, once we moved to our large farm permanently, I knew I wanted to take herbs and herb growing to the next level as well as find ways to share herbalism with the mainstream public. Chestnut School was exactly what I needed to fill in all the blanks. By having this course of study that was literally from the soil up, inclusive of all the most important aspects of herbalism, which went far beyond the "how to's" and actions, I was able to grow to the next level of being a committed community herbalist and educator! I have 2 degrees and various certifications from my previous careers, but NOTHING compared to receiving my Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine certificate after 2 and 1/2 years of incredible teaching from the diverse and dedicated staff!

I use the herbal knowledge I gained from the Herbal immersion program daily. Everything from the plant identification skills, useful preparations, recipes and propagation methods to Juliet's humor will keep me referencing the learning materials for decades to come.

I launched a whole line of personal care products inspired by everything I learned from the school, working with the most abundant wild plants in my area as well as sustainable ingredients. This training increased not only my knowledge but my level of consciousness about the environment and the intention in my products and my teachings. During the pandemic this training became my main companion and guidance to enjoy the outdoors while learning every day something new.
My herbal knowledge helps me to discern, formulate and teach and guide others with confidence and safety.
What can you do with an herbal education from Chestnut?
Browse our impressive lineup of student businesses in the Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine Student Herbal Business Directory.
Also, check out our Student Business Spotlights, which showcase how our students have used their training to enrich their lives and bank accounts!
If you'd also like to read independent reviews, check out what people say about us on our Google Business Listing.
Our Online Herbal Courses
We connect people with plants and the earth through teaching about bioregional herbal medicine. Our courses are some of the most detailed and informational herbal offerings that you will find anywhere in the world!
Take a peek at our Course Comparison Chart to get started on your herbal journey!

Dauline D.
Herbalist, Medicine Maker, Biodynamic Gardener
Cape Town, South Africa
(The Herbal Immersion Program) is humorous, beautiful, and most of all, extremely practical and educational. When I say it has changed my life, I am not exaggerating. Your offering is a gift, and I am so grateful to have found such an incredible team of people as teachers.

Seanda B.
Herbal Medicine Maker and Domestic Engineer
I just want to say that I am in absolute LOVE with this program!
Y'all have made it so easy to learn so well about Herbal Medicine. I have dabbled in herbal studies for 20+ years and I have never learned so quickly and thoroughly as I have with this school. I recommend it to everyone I know.
The videos are great. The manuals are beautiful. The array of teachers is incredible. Juliet is adorable. The information is unmatchable. I just love everything about it! Thank you all for such an incredible program!!!

Melissa B.
Acupuncturist, Bodyworker, Herbalist
Menomonie, WI
These beautiful courses consistently, yet gently, remind me that there is always so much more to learn when it comes to herbal medicine.
I've been working with and growing herbs my whole life including four years working on an herb farm. I have a master's degree in Chinese medicine and have spent nine years in clinical practice and in herbal medicine teaching roles. Even with that depth of experience, I'm learning so much!
You've all done a wonderful job putting these courses together! They are impeccably organized, offering information useful to both the absolute beginner and the seasoned herbalist. More than anything, on a personal level, I so deeply appreciate the amazing images and photography. That in and of itself is inspiring to go deeper into this medicine.
These courses uniquely reinforce personal creativity, building relationships with the plants, and remembering the web of connection we are all a part of. The love, experience, professionalism, and effort you have all put into the creation of these programs really shines through. Thank you all for doing what you do!

Dr. Lori R.
Life Sciences Instructor
Cleburne, TX
If I could give this course 10 stars, I would. It is obvious that this school was years in the making: the content is incredible, the pictures and videos are amazing, and the activities are wonderful at turning the information into action. If you are interested at all in using or growing plants medicinally, or making your own herbal remedies, this school is a must!

Zachary H.
Creative Director, Wild Child Medicines
Ocean Pines, MD
Thank you so much for this life-changing course and all of the guidance, support and assistance on my journey from herbal dabbling to full-on proper herbal medicine making and internal/external body care! I love and appreciate you so much for the nurturing nature of this course and cannot say enough good things about it.

Cheryl W.
Organic Farmer
Ontario, Canada
I am so happy I found your course... tip top quality with a stress on learning and practicing. The assignments made me go out, scrutinize, study, and open my eyes to the hidden world deep within plants and flowers. I felt like a person, not just a number. Someone responded quickly to my questions in a friendly and personal manner. This course is amazing!

Alexandra F.
Budding Herbalist, Massage Therapist , Certified Clinical Aromatherapist , Perpetual Student
Ithaca, NY
If you could only take ONE herbalism course ever, you should take this one. Juliet and team make the learning accessible and fun, and you will gain knowledge that will enrich your life.

Leslie P.
Riverdale Park, MD
You most certainly will learn a lot about herbs but what I equally appreciated was how obvious it was that the production of this course, in a professional and beautiful way, was important to its creators and that they aimed to give extraordinary value for our dollars spent. The staff really cared that we would learn about the subject matter and achieve something precious by the end. The manual was gorgeous, the videos were well done, the staff support was awesome, the FB forum was positive and perfect. I’m definitely taking another class!

Amanda J.
Santa Monica, CA
It was/is such a lovely course that really fills in the holes of what other schools teach. I had a swiss cheese herbalism foundation and now I'm a cheddar!
Thank you.

Ivan M.
Corfu, Greece
I am so grateful I stumbled upon your teachings. I could never imagine I'd find all this information in one place, written with so much love and attention to detail. This has to be one of the most important lessons I have ever received, thank you so much! I now feel much more confident in my medicine-making abilities.

Sarah E.
Volunteer & Community Engagement AmeriCorps Member at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden
Corfu, Greece
Being in this school has been an amazingly beautiful experience! I've learned so much and am looking forward to all there's yet to learn throughout the years of my life studying plants and earth-ways. You all are such great teachers and I feel honored to have sat at the virtual-feet of many Chestnut instructors.

Cameron D.
Owner/Creatress of Redbird Medicinals
Wooster, OH
This course was so full of helpful tricks and I really do feel like it helped me to be more professional in my medicine making skills. I learned so much I did not already know which is great, especially since I have been making medicines for 6 or 7 years now. I'm so much more confident and aware now.
I feel like this course helped me to go from just being someone who makes medicine for their family and friends to being able to move into the role of a real professional medicine maker.

Zivile V.
Nashua, NH
This course is a high quality introduction to wild plants. It opens the doors to a new world and gives you the possibility to learn about the plants as much as you can. I learned a lot from the course manual but I learned even more about the plants in my area because that's where my focus is now.

Elis V.
The Netherlands
When I started the Medicine Making Course two years ago, it was for the first time really, someone explained herbal medicine, love of plants, communication and this trust in the green world and made it accessible to me, And it changed me, how I now function, completely... hard to explain in words this realising how things are being brought to you, you’ve been longing for. My walking on this planet has changed since the first lessons and the ongoing study. Realising and learning there is so, so much more.
In the end the Immersion was just that, total immersion =) A big big thank from one very grateful student on the other side of this globe."

Whitney C.
Owner and creator of Mystic Rivers Cauldron Critters
Canby, MN
The Herbal Medicine Making program was very detailed and thorough, a very worthwhile investment. Juliet Blankespoor and Asia Suler are masters at their craft, dedicated teachers, and lovely souls. I highly recommend!

Jane J.
RN, Herbalist, Green Witch, and Urban Farmer
British Columbia, Canada
Before this course, I appreciated the plants for their beauty. Now I appreciate them for their medicine, their life force and spirit, and their existence as sentient, giving beings. I am also proud of the sheer volume of knowledge that I now have.
The course has been a wonderful, exciting, beautiful, joyous journey for me that has opened my eyes and opened doors that I didn't know existed before. Please accept my deepest, heartfelt thanks to all of you for such an amazing program!

Stacey M.
North Bay, California
Discovering your school has also been an incredible blessing. Thank you so much for willingly sharing freely so much of your knowledge. I am consistently being humbled by my lack of it and greedily trying to consume all of it as it comes into my story, albeit at my very slow pace. 😉Grateful ♥️

Miakoda W.
Owner of White Wolf Apothecary
Charleston, SC
I thought the information was awesome!!!! Although I was familiar with the basic practices, the extra information and recipes were so delicious and concise. Beautiful photographs, videos and text will make an invaluable resource to enjoy for the rest of my days studying and practicing.
Honestly this is one of the only courses I have taken that hasn't been slightly disappointing because it was lacking in some way. Way to go!

Dana S.
Executive Director of Georgia River Network
Athens, GA
The course included a useful mix of activities that allowed me to receive the information more than once through different mediums which helped me integrate the information and then put it into practice with the projects.
This course exceeded my expectations. Presentation of materials was organized and included beautiful photos, useful reference material and high quality video presentations that were entertaining and educational.

Paula P.
Founder of Respira Bosque
Baja California, Mexico
Enjoying your information-packed videos on the very last day! Thanks so much. A lot of the information that I just couldn't remember or really understand (floral botany), you've managed to present in a way that makes sense, that gets me excited to go out in the field and keep learning. You're a wonderful teacher, and your generosity for sharing all of this is amazing.

Jessica S.
Kids Yoga Instructor & EFT Practitioner
Ontario, Canada
I learned so much and feel confident in my abilities to use herbs in my home - the lessons were incredibly detailed. The videos created a fabulous learning environment, I felt like I was in a class learning rather than completing a self-directed online course.

Kietra O.
Sweet Wood Apothecary
When I became serious about starting my own apothecary and business, I sought out a balanced and professional program. It was an easy decision to select the Chestnut Herbal Immersion Program. While enrolled, I gained new appreciation and knowledge about plants I've worked with for years, confidence and skills to create my own medicines, and a holistic, organic approach to growing and harvesting herbs.
The Herbal Immersion Course empowered me to be creative and ask questions, re-connected me to herbal allies, and inspired me to plant one more row, harvest a few more roots, and spend time with plants and herbs as much as possible.

Data Entry Analyst/Nature Enthusiast and Herbalist in the making
Allentown, PA
I absolutely loved this self paced, fun and easygoing interactive course.

Tish K.
Full time beekeeper and certified Master Gardner
Informative, enlightening, fun and covers a lot of material. I liked it a lot. I thought it was very put together and a lot of fun!
Janet H.
Fletcher, NC
I am really pleased with the amount of information, presentation of the material, the great staff, and the knowledge that this school offers. If you're interested in learning about foraging, this course offers the knowledge and know-how to be comfortable finding and using plants.
Sophie F.
Chantilly, VA
I love the videos, the many photos of the plants, as well as the participation on the forum with like-minded individuals who love herbs. I would encourage others to take the course to become more aware of what is growing around them and finding fun and helpful ways to interact with the herbs, or NOT when confronting poisonous varieties.
It is evident that a great deal of time, care, and creativity was used in creating this course. It has been a wonderful resource in foraging, making new herb friends, and understanding my old herb friends better.
Deanna C.
Birmingham, AL
I am definitely more confident identifying plants in the wild. I've also enjoyed learning to be more detailed in how I look at the plant, understanding the botany and cycles of the plant, and the concept of really getting to know a plant and feeling like you don't have to harvest everything just because it's there. It's nice to know which plants in my region are abundant vs. endangered, and learning to be more aware of the poisonous lookalike plants and the importance of learning their botany too. I have a much clearer understanding of scientific names and connecting the dots with family similarities and a better understanding herbal terminology.
It is nice to hear different perspectives from the instructors, how they use the herbs and implement them, and everyone explains concepts with their own variances that enhance my understanding of the material.
Appreciating the nutritional and edible sides of many of these plants, and learning to incorporate more into my diet. I have realized how many of the plants in the course grow all around me and a lot of them are actually pretty tasty! I have enjoyed eating more flowers too!
Elizabeth H.
Perth, Australia
This course was truly everything I could have hoped for as a beginner taking the plunge into the daunting world of medicinal herbs. The content is easy to understand, the videos helped guide me on how to properly prepare my medicines. There is an infinite amount of support from the staff and also from the Facebook group. I am really happy and satisfied with my learning experience.
Nina P.
Saugerties, NY
I'm not super computer savvy so I feel like if I could navigate this, anyone could. The material was fun, light, funny even! I enjoyed it so much that it really has opened up a whole new world for me. No joke.
Cindy H.
Leicester, NC
This course was obviously done with loving intention! The pictures did help me for identification purposes and the videos were extremely helpful in learning the course content! Very stimulating course, well done!

Nakia A.
Teacher, Inner playground architect, plant pusher, body love facilitator, soul excavator
Dayton, OH
I started with the Herbal Medicine Making Course that the Chestnut School offers and I felt connected to a classroom even though we all had virtual seats. The video instruction is clear and fun to follow. The printed materials are thorough in instruction and generous in content. The online support group is very active and Juliet is responsive to questions.
I recommend this school to anyone who wants to learn about practical herbal use at home and can't get to a live and local teacher.

Shandie H.
Knoxville, TN
I have to admit that I have learned more about foraging in this course than the rest of my life up until now. I am absolutely amazed at the level of dedication the staff has to help students learn and grow in whichever path of herbal studies they have chosen. I highly recommend them to anyone wishing to learn more about our plant allies.

Megan T.
New Westminster, BC
Keep up the good work! I'm delighted I took this course!
It's fun and covers a lot of ground. My biggest takeaway is a newfound appreciation for plants. I feel like a whole new world has opened! I am a more confident forager and have a deeper connection with plants. I look out for them wherever I go and recognize plants not even on the foraging list, because I'm simply paying attention.
I learned so much more than I expected. Mostly it's been a shift in perspective and the way that I look at the world. There is so much abundance! Thank you!

Rashida G.
Stay-at-home mom and artist
Istanbul, Turkey
I have truly learned a lot so far - even about the topics that I thought were going to be very simple, like preparing infusions and tinctures. I've found answers to some of my questions that I had a hard time clarifying before, like how do we know which herb is best in form of tincture, infusion or decoction and why. There's so much valuable and practical information. I also like the format of the course.
First of all, it's beautifully done and visually pleasing, which keeps me excited. Second of all, I like that it can be viewed electronically or can be printed out and made into booklets. I personally prefer reading from books rather than from a screen whereas I am sure there are others who don't mind or prefer to view their lesson electronically, whether it's via their laptop, phone or iPad. I also love the videos. It makes it a lot easier to grasp and absorb the information on some topics like botany.
I also love the spirit of the entire course: Juliet and the rest of the staff, and the students, the ability to connect with each other on the student group and learn from each other at all times. I know I can always count on the team for any questions! I haven't felt that way before in previous herbal studies programs.

SaDonna H.
Wellness Coach,
stay-at-home mom
Washington State
I can’t tell you how blown away I am. It’s such a gift to feel connected to a community of healers, and I feel like I am receiving guided, individual instruction with each lesson. Although the lessons are fun and funny, each time I am left with a deep respect for Juliet and Asia, and the wisdom they are passing on. Thank you so much for creating such a gift for the herbal community and aspiring herbalists like me.

Dorothy O.
West College Corner, IN
I have completed the Herbal Medicine Making Course. I am now taking the Herbal Immersion. Each class is a life and game changer. Definitely well worth the money and time. Wonderful teachers and tons of herbal information!

Jane V.
Herbalist, Nature Immersion Instructor,
Vashon, WA
I have loved working on this course, and am cycling back through the material as the topics come up in my life and work. The material here is truly a life-long journey—so thoughtfully presented, beautiful, practical, and welcoming. And I loved receiving feedback on my projects—and knowing that you truly read them and were responding to me. I loved the personal connection, reflections, and suggestions.
Thanks for the work your team is doing! You are changing lives.

Elizabeth K.
Massage Therapist
Charlotte, NC
I love seeing all this food and medicine around me! I've made lots of new plant friends that I recognized but never had any idea they were edible or medicine! I am constantly on the look out now on walks. I carry a foraging basket in my car at all times!
I think we could all use some foraging and basic home remedy knowledge. I would encourage anyone with plant love to learn more and try it! This is such a well-planned and thoughtful online class. Truly the best I have taken (I've I taken quite a few in aromatherapy and massage).

Marina C.
Social Researcher
and herbalist in training
Cary, NC
This School is amazing. The intelligence in the design of the program is very impressive. The generosity of the staff sets the tone for an all around giving community of students and instructors that help each other and share the struggles and successes of the journey. I am so thankful for being part of this school! Being a student in this school is healing in itself.

Sarah D.
Department Manager at Earthfare
Knoxville, TN
I've only read the first 22 pages (of the Guide to Herbal Livelihoods) so far, and oh. my. god. THE CLARITY! I was almost in tears from reading something as simple a list of possible avenues for herbalists, and of course Juliet`s compassionate realism. Everything she writes is liquid gold! I am completely inspired but the important thing for me is that it is no longer without direction or focus. I can't wait to finish this course, but I just had to reach out and let y'all know how deeply moved I am by the work that you do and that I appreciate it so very, very much!

Sharleen L.
Restaurant Manager, Future Herbal Business Owner
Alberta, Canada
I have developed a lot more confidence when it comes to identifying some plants and I have developed more of a connection with my own personal indoor plants as well as my garden. I think the biggest take away was feeling confident in knowing I can find an alternative medicine to use for many ailments. Also, learning about botany has really advanced my understanding of how plants live.

Stephanie D.
Stay-at-home mom
Orange, CA
Before I began studying with the Chestnut School, I already had high expectations. This course has blown all of my expectations out of the water. The videos are amazing, and the content is so well written and thought out. You can tell that they poured their hearts and souls into it, with the intention to give you the best online education possible. I've been to other herbal schools, researched every single one... and this one is by far the best. Whether you're a newbie or an expert, this course offers something for everyone.

Georgia H.
Licensed Acupuncturist, owner and operator of Holistic Housecall Integrative and Functional Medicine
Northern Utah
This is a good "Intro to Herbology" course. Thank you for including the botany information which is left out of so many herbal sources. Even my extensive education in Chinese herbalism did not include botany, which I found frustrating. I have wanted to create my own herbal garden and this course at least has given me rudiments to recognize the actual plant parts as opposed to prepackaged dried herbs ordered from someone else.

Connie R.
Safety Coordinator
Park Hills, MO
I just wanted to say how thrilled I am to have enrolled in the Herbal Immersion. I have tried a couple other schools and the course of learning just wasn't suited to me, and I didn't finish. It seemed like a cumbersome chore just to log in. I love the way the Chestnut School teaches. The videos are amazing, and I find myself excited when I have time in the evening to log in. Thank you so much for all the effort you have put forth to make this learning experience very enjoyable!

April L.
Lenoir City, TN
I learned so much in this this course! Teas, tinctures, honeys, goo balls, soaks, and edible flowers are all on the agenda! Wonderful videos and audio downloads, beautifully done textbook, great teachers who obviously know a lot about herbs... what else can I say? Well worth the investment!

Marissa W.
Writer, Artist, Musician
Casper, WY
I love the detail in description during each lesson and the layout of each course page. Also, it was amazing to have access to the Mountain Rose Herbs discount, so that I could really fall into building my apothecary.

Nancy L.
Palo Alto, CA
I especially appreciate your educated, intelligent and joyful approach, and the way you present herbs as an accessible and integrated part of life for good health in any walk of life.

Jemima A.
Interior Designer, Herbalism Student
So this course came just in the right moment with a lot of very helpful and important information. I've watched the two first videos and I'm loving it! Thank you sooo much for this!!!

Sarah C.
Student in remedial massage
Tasmania, Australia
This course was really uplifting - I have had some significant challenges in my life over the last year, as my partner suddenly became seriously ill, and I found myself thrown into the role of his caretaker while working towards the certificate. This course, and the Immersion which I am now working on, has grounded me daily in something that feels authentic and true and it has created a balance in my life I would not have had otherwise.
So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for this course! It has helped keep me strong, and helped me to trust my intuition.

Val E.
Woodspell Apothecary
Northern Michigan
Navigating the world of herbal medicine can be overwhelming with all of the information (or misinformation) out there. The Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine helped to cut out all of the noise and give me a solid foundation and direction for my herbal journey. From gardening and wildcrafting to the systems of the body and their correlating herbs, they helped open my eyes to all of the wonderful ways I can incorporate herbs into my life.
What I love most about the Chestnut School is that while they taught the hard scientific facts of herbal medicine, they also wove in the spiritual connection between humans and plants. This marriage of science and spirit is something I believe is so necessary to be an effective herbalist. Taking this course was like lifting a veil. I can now see and explore the magic and power in every weed, flower, and tree.
Karen W.
Quebec, Canada
I love plants, I've been making herbal remedies for 10 years (but we never really know too much, do we?). I've been wildcrafting for several years, but not necessarily for eating, mostly for medicine. I felt it was really time to get to know my surroundings a little deeper...and frankly, although I wasn't sure if I would learn that much, I haven't been disappointed. I love this course and it's given me a whole new perspective.
It has changed the way I use plants. Incorporating them more as foods is like having more tools in my toolbox. I should also mention that I really enjoyed the videos, and in particular, the sense of humour!
This is a good and well-designed course and is for anyone who really loves plants and wants to learn more about nature.
Kelly M.
Columbia, ME
I have always had a deep connection with plants but I do feel as if I understand them better. I am still working on my confidence as a forager and herbalist but totally believe I am on my way. The journey has been worth every step of the way. This is a really great program where your questions are answered by a supportive staff, and you feel like you're in a learning community.
Laurie L.
Durham, NC
Its a life-changing experience which was created and presented lovingly, thoroughly, clearly, and it uses all the various learning types, including textual, experiential, visual, and audio. I loved getting to know other students on the path and being introduced to the much larger than expected World of Herbalists. I am a newcomer, and I hadn't even realized how vast and varied the herbal-sphere had become. Astonishing.
Kristen L.
Tampa, FL
I think the videos were the best part! I have read many books on herbs, herbalism, and medicine making but to actually see and watch how it is done was like taking a class in person. Also the benefit of being able to ask questions and get answers from a trusted source was wonderful.
Overall I think Juliet and Asia did a fabulous job with this course and there was lots of attention to detail. I was sad when it was all finished...
Kimberly B.
Black Mountain, NC
This course exceeded my expectations. I honestly looked forward to studying each day: watching class videos, reading course materials and making a mess of my kitchen while moving through the experiential projects.
I especially appreciate the humor that is included in the videos and written materials. You made me laugh and feel at ease so learning was much more fun! Plus, I feel like I got to know you as people, not just as instructors, which made it feel more personal.
Jade D.
Thank you so much for this mini course. I've learned so much. I have been dabbling in herbal remedies (medicine) for a while now. I really love what herbal medicine is capable of and I want to learn more.
Tiffany B.
Cape Girardeau, MO
I enjoyed how the entire course was professional, yet extremely laid back. The videos were so helpful in making the content easy to understand.
Maggie E.
Walnut Ridge, AR
The Medicine Making Course was very helpful for me as someone who had very little experience with herbs to start. The help from everyone on the staff and on the group page made this an amazing learning experience! The videos are funny and entertaining, but engaging in such a way that they make you really learn what is being taught. The encouragement from everyone made me really want to be successful!
Megan M.
Featherston, New Zealand
I have loved this course, it has given me so much joy. What I have gained has been amazing. It's changed everything for me. The presentation and delivery of the whole course has been above and beyond my expectations. So thank you very much for existing and all the hours of work that has been put into the medicine course. What a dream.
Hannah R.
Bon Aqua, TN
I got the impression that the staff really connects personally with the plants and the love for the work really comes through.
Erica L.
Salt Lake City, UT
I really appreciated the information on when it's appropriate to make teas vs tinctures for certain herbs. I am new to herbalism and I feel like I gained a lot of knowledge from this mini course!
Jenny W.
Asheville, NC
I just want to share that taking this class has been a life changer!
I have always had an appreciation of flowers and plants, but this class has taken it to a different level. Feeling the positive effects of incorporating these plants into my beauty products, using fresh herbs instead of store-bought teas was remarkable. I plan on walking through all of these lessons again as I know there is still a ton I need to learn and can gain from re-watching/reading.
Also, the Hydrotherapy lesson was fascinating! I made it a point to walk down to the river 2 - 3 times a week to just watch the water after that lesson. I have you all to thank for my pantry that is now FILLED with incredible herbs and flowers, can't wait to take this knowledge even further.

Jessica M.
New London, WI
LOVE, love, love this course. I was curious about how I could utilize plants that I knew through my years of teaching environmental education, and make teas, medicines or food. Having this knowledge is beneficial in my personal life as well as my professional life. I had always dreamed of leading wild edibles hikes at my nature center where I work, and now I can!
I have gained an even greater appreciation for plants (I didn't think that was even possible) and all of their uses. I have found an amazing herbalism community that I ADORE!! I am passionate about teaching what I've learned to others and sharing my tinctures and teas with friends and family. I cannot say enough great things about this school and their courses. I have learned so much and have become so passionate about the art of making herbal medicine and foraging plants.

Lola O.
Doula, writer, entrepreneur, and stay-at-home &
homeschooling mom
Edmonton, Alberta
I've taken many different online herbal courses and this is by far my favorite! It is stunning, gorgeous, fun and very informative. The videos are fun, the manual is stunning, and I really enjoy the progress aspect and review worksheets and quizzes.
I was worried it was a little too basic for where I am at in my studies, but it turns out I'm filling in a lot of critical holes in my knowledge base. I'm in love with this course and am having a fabulous time studying with it.

Jesse Wolf & Kiva Rose Hardin
Plant Healer Magazine & Events
Juliet has genuinely created the single most comprehensive, clear, and aesthetically beautiful course available in the English speaking world today.

Darlene R.
Seattle, WA
Can't tell you how much I love this program. It's informative and witty which makes it fun to read through, and I absolutely love the photography. I am a picture person so the more pictures, the more I absorb! It's easy to access, responsive and skill-building. Thank you so much!

Donna R.
Seattle, WA
This course far surpassed my expectations. It kindled a deeper connection to herbs and fed my passion for organic gardening, permaculture, homemade herbal remedies and body care, and health-supporting life practices. It helped me begin to envision ways in which I might bring herbalism to others in my community and launched me further on this life-enhancing path of herbal learning.
I am so grateful for the quality and thoroughness of this program, as well as the affirming and nurturing support that I felt from the staff. Each module was inspiring and relevant, and I found myself circling back to the material throughout the course.
The Chestnut School instructors were top-notch, and the guest teachers were fabulous as well. I learned so much in this course, and equally importantly, it pointed me in the direction of further learning opportunities all along the way. As an educator, I was impressed with the organization, in-depth and engaging material, and creativity that made this such an effective adult-learning course. Thank you for a truly life-changing and enriching program!

Maggie K.
Internationally-trained shaman
Portland, OR
This was an in-depth course presented in a way that’s easy to understand with humor, and great knowledge.

Brittany S.
Retail Sales Associate
Leadville, CO
I really enjoyed the coursework; everything was laid out beautifully and easy to understand. Your team is sharing something amazing with the world! I really found my gift while completing these projects, and I cannot wait to share my passion with my community!

Rebecca G.
Higher Education Student Affairs/Training and Crisis Response Consultant, Food is Free urban farmer, Free community herbalist, Activist
Meadville, PA
The combo of magic, awe, and science is unparalleled! After taking this course, I'm proud of my ability to explain the things I have learned, integrate them into daily life, and the ability to remind people of this ancient work. Thank you, over and over!

Mary M.
Elementary school teacher
Ellicott City, MD
Chestnut School surrounds you with knowledge, creativity, possibility and with deep caring. Juliet and her team of herbalist teachers have given me new skills, expanded my knowledge of plants and plant medicine all with grace, humor and humility. I will be forever grateful to their teachings and their dedication.

Cheryl L.
Owner of MOMENTUM yoga & wellness center
Swansboro, NC
The Herbal Medicine Making program was very detailed and thorough, a very worthwhile investment. Juliet Blankespoor and Asia Suler are masters at their craft, dedicated teachers, and lovely souls. I highly recommend!

Cassy L.
Herbalist and Apothecary Owner
Chambersburg, PA
Thank you for a wonderful online course, and for bringing herbal wisdom to those who are unable to attend an in-person herbal school. If you want to earn a certificate, make sure you treat this course like you would a college course. It will take time and discipline!

Nicole D.
I have always been intimidated by experimenting in the kitchen, but after finding the Hibiscus Ice Cubes so easy and a delight, it created a spark within to do more. I ended up making countless recipes, which created so much joy, confidence, and laughter within the home and helped with my overall mental wellbeing. As an individual who identifies as BIWoC, this past year and the events that occurred on 6 Jan have made it quite difficult to find peace and hope. These projects have been a lifesaver during this time, and I am so thankful for the unexpected joy that this has brought into my home.
I cannot wait to build upon my skills in your other courses, and am beyond grateful for the Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine. This course has been a completely amazing and transformative experience. It has touched my life in a way that has been completely unexpected, and I have already been able to apply my knowledge thus far to help bring joy and wellness to those in the marginalized communities that I serve.

Hillary S.
Mama, herbal skincare and remedy maker, and holistic nutritionist
Hamilton, MT
I very much enjoyed my Herbal Medicine Making Course (and am planning on the next stage of this) and LOVED my Herb Cultivation course. Both have great info provided with wonderful videos. The teachers and staff are warm and welcoming. A must for those interested (or already into) herbal medicine.

Becky S.
British Columbia, Canada
I have created a business, Cedar Hill Herbs, that creates herbal remedies for my community and a non-profit collaborative blog - One World Herbal Community, to connect and inspire herbalists and to give back to the herbal community.
Without this program I would never have been confident or inspired enough to do this. Juliet, Sara, Christine and all the other beautiful ladies that have made this program happen, you have done an amazing job and thank you so much!!! I am very proud to have completed this program and I hope this isn't the end of my Chestnut journey.

Jenna Emilie J.
Multi-Medium Creative, Educator, Healer, and aspiring herbalist
Asheville, NC
I am SO grateful for all of your lessons and the work you do. Thank you for empowering people to take our health in control!

Eleni C.
Herbalist, educator, stay-at-home mom
Corfu, Greece
Living in Greece, taking herbal courses from the States is my window to the world. The course was great even for someone quite experienced with most parts of it. It brought everything together and helped me to understand some things better or improve others. There are many “universal” recipes using culinary herbs or weeds that can be found most places in the world. There are recipes that I have already made so many times that I will remember for ever, like the nettles pate which is on our table every day!

Ann B.
Admin Assistant and budding herbalist
Idaho Falls, ID
Watched the entire set of videos today. Very informative. I've dabbled in foraging for some time but always wanted to learn more. Am taking a field class later this summer and hoping at some time to sign up for your full class. Thanks for your Facebook tidbits and free classes like this!

Melissa B.
Doctoral student
Nicholasville, KY
I am a complete beginner. I have been interested in this for a long time. I am glad I finally signed up. I feel empowered to try some things. Thank you very much.

Marnie S.
Leesburg, VA
I came into this course with very limited herbal knowledge, only a new burgeoning interest. I watched a video of Juliet and Asia and was drawn in by their antics and obvious love and respect for herbal preparations.
Everything I learned has been invaluable to my family and I and has already been beyond helpful through different seasons of use.
I have finished the course with much more information than I started with and a passion to learn more. Thank you so very much for such a wonderful opportunity.

Kimba A.
Full-time mom, Library Assistant, lover of herbs
Stone Mountain, GA
I enjoyed the respect for the plants and the idea of spending time with each to get to know them. I am returning to that idea now that I don't have the urge to rush for the certificate 😉
The knowledge you learn in this course stays with you and allows you to bring medicine to others and that is a beautiful thing.

Kelly P.
Scheduling Staffing Administrator (day job), Freelance Author (side job), soon to be running my own herbal business
Springfield, TN
I'm so grateful to have chosen Chestnut to formalize my herbal studies. The information is brilliantly laid out, beautifully enhanced with the obviously sweet energies emanating from Juliet, Asia, 7Song, Lorna, etc in the videos, verbiage, and excellent images. I never felt bogged down with dry material and the lessons were fun, packed with awesome information, and relevant to what's going on in the world, while retaining down-to-earth, meaningful, and spiritual energy. Practical and whimsical at the same time!
I'm also grateful to have had personal feedback from you guys. It showed that you really did check my answers and responses, rather than receiving automated replies saying I completed the projects, like dealing with a robot. Thank you so much!
Peggy L.
Emmaus, PA
Very comprehensive, lovely, chock full of stuff!! I am a very visual learner so the videos are wonderful for me. This course is well worth it, and while it is fun, it is also a lot of information and quite a bit of work (a good thing). This is a great course with great support for students.
Annecke F.
Nesbru, Norway
This course is made up to be fun and practical. You can tell that there are professionals behind the content. You know you have a safe source for learning about plants, and there is a feeling of being in good hands—that the course instructors care and follow up with you. I loved the practical aspects of the homework assignments, they helped me learn a lot. I feel that I'm part of a school more than an online course.
Annecke F.
Nesbru, Norway
This course is made up to be fun and practical. You can tell that there are professionals behind the content. You know you have a safe source for learning about plants, and there is a feeling of being in good hands—that the course instructors care and follow up with you. I loved the practical aspects of the homework assignments, they helped me learn a lot. I feel that I'm part of a school more than an online course.
Angela D.
Chicago, IL
I recently completed the Herbal Medicine Making Course and absolutely loved it! The course material is filled with beautiful images. The course is engaging, the material is easy to read and instructions for making herbal tinctures and herbal preparations are easy to follow along. It is supplemented with videos by Juliet Blankespoor and Asia Shuler.
Also provided are wonderful recipes to make herbal culinary and natural body care products. As an owner of Woodland Apothecary™, I was very happy to get some ideas for new products. I liked it so much, I am now enrolled in the full Herbal Immersion Program.
Tarah P.
Lander, WY
I really enjoyed learning from Asia and Juliet. Their energy resonated with mine and I was able to absorb their pace and mellow nature while I studied the methods of herbal medicine making. I enjoyed the wit and the music and the colors and the recipes and the Love!
Tina B.
Perth, Australia
The course tested me which is very good. There was enough for a beginner but also enough to encourage to go further too.
Carol J.
Plant City, FL
I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of content, specifically about ways to incorporate herbs into the kitchen.
Heather Z.
Alberta, Canada
I am so impressed and would recommend this course to anyone. I thought I was fairly experienced but I still learned so much!
Kasie R.
Littleton, CO
The team was wonderful in answering my questions and commenting on my module review submissions. The videos were super fun! I love the humor and joy brought into each topic. The pictures and materials were beautiful and very high quality. The course manual was a goldmine of helpful information!
Catherine P.
West Yorkshire, England
I would recommend this course to others as it gives you an easy but challenging, thorough grounding in herbal medicine making. The sheer enthusiasm and dedication of the teachers with the beautiful presentation for me makes it a winner! I now feel really confident to make my own medicine and a whole new world has opened up to me in my kitchen!
María B.
Santiago, Chile
To me, everything made a positive impression, from the aesthetics of the page, videos, and PDFs, to the useful and friendly yet relevant and important information, the wide range of contents in the course, and the emails, full of kind words. I laughed and learned with the videos and I really appreciate every bit of information that you gave me (form the course and also the "gifts" you send).
Thank you VERY much! I will miss having access to the staff, I don't feel quite ready to "graduate", but I will continue learning as a "alumni.”
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