Chestnut Herbal School

Herbal Recipes

Fresh picked greens.

Cold Season Wild Greens and Pecan Feta Wild Greens Pesto

Cold Season Wild Greens and Pecan Feta Wild Greens PestoWritten and Photographed by Juliet Blankespoor Creasy greens Creasy greens (Barbarea verna, Brassicaceae), also known as wintercress, is a common weed in the Southeast and the pacific Northwest. Its close relative, Barbarea vulgaris, has a more widespread distribution, occurring throughout most of temperate North America. Here in the southern [...]
Wild greens on a bagel.

Wild Greens Bagel

One of my favorite breakfast dishes; a heart-friendly, wild foods/herbal version of the classic toasted bagel—Violet leaves and flowers and chickweed greens with a raw garlic olive oil sauce atop a whole grain bagel. Both chickweed and violets are rich in anti-oxidant vitamins and the violet flowers are colored by bio-flavanoids.

Daylily flower.

The Delectable Daylily – Stuffed Daylily Blossoms Recipe

The daylily is not only a versatile wild edible, but a beautiful and easy-to-grow perennial garden flower. It is native to Asia and has escaped cultivation over most of eastern North America. Daylily is a familiar sight alongside streams, roadsides, and fences. Chances are you are already living close to a patch of this showy member of the Xanthorrhoeaceae family.