Partridgeberry Materia Medica
Written and Photographed by Juliet Blankespoor

Partridgeberry in fruit
My botany professors in Florida first introduced me to partridgeberry, and with excitement I recognized the scientific name as a medicinal from one of my herbal books. This was back in the late 80s when the modern herbal literature was scanty, computers were not in my reality, and I still had yet to meet an herbalist in the flesh. I would learn a plant in school and then ride my bike quickly home to devour any information I could find on the medicinal uses of that plant. Partridgeberry and I became quick friends, as it would accompany me on my streamside explorations and canoe rides. I spent a lot of time in the woods by myself at that time, and relished the relationships with my newfound and cherished plant allies. These relationships were the threads that wove me into the interconnected majestic quilt of biodiversity and Gaian consciousness. I began to gain a purpose, and feel empowered as I learned how to wildcraft and make medicine for my neighbors and myself.
I learned to pick its stems so that some roots and stem remained and were able to continue growing. I made fresh tea and tincture from the leaves and stems, always including a bit of flowers or fruit depending on the season, for a whole plant medicine. Nibbling the edible red berries whenever I could, I developed a taste for the unusual fruit. Partridgeberries are not very sweet, and are more like a vegetable in flavor, being somewhat reminiscent of a slightly sweet and astringent cucumber. The fruit can brighten salads, make a fun trailside nibble, and is easy for little people to gather and gobble. Like many things in life, if we relax our expectations, we can appreciate what is.
Partridgeberry is in the Rubiaceae, or madder, family and has opposite, entire, leathery, ovate and glabrous (smooth, hair-less) leaves. Twinflower is yet another name for this prostrate evergreen vine, alluding to its two diminutive white flowers with a fused ovary, which eventually give rise to one fruit. There are two “eyes” on the fruit, which are the scars left behind from the fallen calyx and corolla of the flower, an usual trait helpful in identification. The two flowers giving rise to one fruit is an excellent doctrine of signatures for a reproductive tonic.
For many years after first meeting partridgeberry, I continued to live in Florida and traveled to the Berkshire Mountains in the summer to avoid the sweltering heat and humidity, fire ants, and mosquitoes. As you can imagine, there is not a large overlap between the floras of subtropical northern Florida and the northern reach of the Appalachian Mountains. But partridgeberry is one of the few plants growing abundantly in both locales, with quite an impressively large range. Mitchella is obviously quite an adaptable species, growing from central Florida north to Newfoundland and Quebec, west to Texas and up into Minnesota. Mitchella prefers to grow in the shade in well-drained soil, with the porosity being obtained from either the fluff of forest duff or sandy soils. Often growing under conifers, Mitchella repens frequently grows with rattlesnake plantain (Goodyera spp., Orchidaceae), and spotted wintergreen (Chimaphila maculata, Ericaceae).
In much of its range, it grows under the shade of the eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis, Pinaceae). I believe one of the reasons Mitchella thrives under conifers is because of the finer leaf litter created by needles, as opposed to the wider leaf litter created by broad-leafed trees. The eastern hemlocks are currently dying from infestation of the hemlock wooly adelgid (Adelges tsugae), an introduced insect from Asia. The old growth trees are particularly susceptible, and here in the southern Appalachians, the older hemlocks are all dead, except for the few trees that have been treated with insecticide. Until other trees take their place in the forest canopy, wide areas of our forests, especially along streams, are receiving more sunlight than usual. So far the partridgeberry seems to be tolerating the extra light, but I am beginning to see signs of sun damage on other forest floor inhabitants. My concern is that partridgeberry will not be able to tolerate the changes of increased sunlight and, later on, the denser shade and leaf litter cover created by broad-leafed trees, which will replace the hemlocks. Rhododendron is a common inhabitant with hemlocks in acidic mountain stream environments. I believe rhododendrons will be one of the major plant species replacing the dying hemlocks, which will be challenging to the understory plants as little grows under its dense shade and thick leaf litter.
Partridgeberry is on the United Plant Savers “to-watch” list, as one of our native medicinal herbs that could be potentially threatened, especially if it gains widespread popularity. Currently, Mitchella is far from the twenty top-selling herb lists, with its major threat being habitat loss. Partridgeberry is easy to grow and quite adaptable to a wide variety of habitats, so its prospects look good. However, I am concerned about its immediate future, as it is so intertwined with the fate of the eastern hemlock.
Medicinal uses:
Everything we know about this plant originates with the indigenous people of North America, who used partridgeberry as an emmenagogue, astringent, diuretic, parturient and styptic. In addition, it was used to ease menstrual cramps, help with labor pains and ease delivery. Topically, partridgeberry was employed as a wash for sore nipples during breast-feeding. Squaw vine is an early name for this plant, attesting to its Native use in treating female reproductive disorders. Squaw vine usually goes by partridgeberry these days as the term squaw has been used in a derogatory way by many Europeans and is considered to be insulting by many Native people.
Personally, I have a strong sense of gratitude for partridgeberry as an ally, which helped to bring my sweet daughter, Ruby, into this world. I had just had a miscarriage three months earlier and was in my early pregnancy. I began experiencing strong cramping and heavy bleeding with large clots. I used a tincture made of equal parts Mitchella repens, wild yam root (Dioscorea villosa, Dioscoreaceae), and black haw root bark (Viburnum prunifolium, Adoxaceae) taking 2 mls, 3-6 times a day. These herbal allies, along with bed rest, Epsom salt baths, and Ruby’s feisty spirit, saved her pregnancy.
Another story of Mitchella involved a woman in her sixth month of pregnancy who was experiencing a lot of stress in her home life. Her emotional situation had intensified the usual “practice” contractions typically felt in later pregnancy and she was concerned that she might go into early labor. I recommended a tincture of equal parts Red Raspberry (Rubus idaeus, Rosaceae) and Mitchella repens. She took 2-3 droppers full three times a day and her contractions subsided.
Mitchella is also indicated in early pregnancy for people who have experienced multiple miscarriages or are facing a potential miscarriage. The dosage in this situation, and most others, would be 2-3 droppers full of tincture three times a day. A decoction from the dried or fresh herb may also be employed in such a situation. I am conservative with herbs in pregnancy and recommend their use only when necessary. It is my belief that a healthy pregnancy does not warrant the use of partus preparators, as the body in its wisdom knows how to give birth. Contemporary uses in reproductive disorders also include tonic treatment for infertility and menstrual cramps.
Some other uses of partridgeberry involve its use in urinary tract disorders; it can give ease in urinary tract infections, interstitial cystitis, and BPH as a diuretic and astringent. The Alabama herbalist, Tommie Bass, used the leaves for incontinence in children, “kidney trouble”, and the berries for diarrhea and painful urination. It has also been used as a moderate astringent for gastro-intestinal disorders, including diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, and inflammatory bowel disease.
Cultivation of Partridgeberry:
Soil and site requirements: Mitchella prefers to grow in sight of streams and spring seeps, but not right next to the water. If you don’t have any wet sites or streams, plant it in the shade and water it occasionally during droughty spells. Mitchella is a running plant and will spread indefinitely as long as it doesn’t suffer too much competition from faster growing or more upright understory plants. You may want to help partridgeberry by weeding, cutting-back or transplanting highly vigorous co-inhabitants. Harvest vining stem tips, leaving some of the plant rooted, and you can continually harvest from the same site as long as the population is large enough. pH 5-6; Zones 3-9, moist soil, can be sandy or fluffy, partially broken-down forest duff but not too clayey, full shade to part shade, under conifers or mixed hardwood/conifers.
Propagation: The preferred method of propagation is by layering during the growing season, or stem cuttings in the fall. The easiest method is to take a growing vine tip and bury a portion of the stem one inch below the soil, weigh it down with a rock, leaving the distal end of the stem above ground. You can do this right on site in the earth, or in a soil-filled pot next to the plant. Check back in a couple months by gently pulling on the free tip of the buried vine to check for resistance. If the stem is rooted, you can then cut the tip from the parent plant and dig up your layeringling. You can then transplant the new plant to a different site, or pot it up. Some other running plants that can be grown this way are gotu kola (Centella asiatica, Apiaceae) and jiaogulan (Gynostemma pentaphyllum, Cucurbitaceae). Since the plant naturally spreads in this manner, you can also find rooted portions, divide them into several plants, and move them to their new site or pot them up.

These three photos show layering starting with bending over a branch (photo 1), weighing it down (photo 2), and finally severing it from the parent plant after it has rooted (photo 3)
Mitchella is much trickier to grow from seed. The seeds are hydrophilic, which means they cannot be stored dry for very long and should be planted as soon as possible. Wash the seeds free of pulp before planting. Germination takes place after three months of cold moist stratification, though sometimes it can need alternating treatment of warm moist, cold moist and then warm moist. Which means if you plant seeds in the late summer, you may get germination the following spring or in the second spring after planting.
Partridgeberry Materia Medica
Common names: partridgeberry, mitchella, twinflower, squawvine
Scientific name: Mitchella repens, Rubiaceae (Madder family)
Part used: leaves and stem
Preparation and dosage: Fresh tincture 1:2 95%, dry tincture 1:4 60%, both preparations 1-2 mls 3x/day. One teaspoon of the dried herb or two teaspoons of the fresh herb finely minced, decocted in one cup of water for twenty minutes, drunk 3x/day.
Actions: uterine tonic, partus preparator, diuretic, astringent, parturient
Energetics: cooling and drying
Indications: Partridgeberry is a uterine tonic for heavy menstruation, and after childbirth, miscarriage, surgical abortion and D&C. It is one of the safer partus preparators and parturients, and is often used to prevent miscarriage with wild yam (Dioscorea villosa) and black haw (Viburnum prunifolium). Also used in amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, and infertility. Urinary tract: urinary tract infections, benign prostatic hyperplasia, interstitial cystitis, bed-wetting in children, recurrent urinary tract infections in pregnancy, edema, dysuria. Digestive: diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, hemorrhoids
Specific Indications from Eclectic sources: Atonic conditions of the ovarian reproductive organs; tardy menstruation, uneasy sensations in the pelvis with dragging tenderness and pressure, frequent desire to urinate, and difficulty in evacuation. Also on menorrhagia: Excessive bleeding caused by uterine atonicity with a sensation of fullness, tenderness and pressure in the abdomen.
Side effects/contra-indications: May be too drying for long-term use with drier constitutions. Combine with demulcent or moistening herbs to mediate its effects.
This article originally appeared in Plant Healer Magazine, a quarterly e-journal of Traditional Herbalism.
Meet The Green Mastermind Behind Blog Castanea:

JULIET BLANKESPOOR is the founder, primary instructor, and Creative Director of the Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine, an online school serving thousands of students from around the globe. She's a professional plant-human matchmaker and bonafide plant geek, with a degree in botany and over 30 years of experience teaching and writing about herbalism, medicine making, and organic herb cultivation. Juliet’s lifelong captivation with medicinal weeds and herb gardening has birthed many botanical enterprises over the decades, including an herbal nursery and a farm-to-apothecary herbal products business.
These days, she channels her botanical obsession through her writing and photography in her online programs, on her personal blog Castanea, and in her new book, The Healing Garden: Cultivating and Handcrafting Herbal Remedies. Juliet and her family reside in a home overrun with houseplants and books in Asheville, North Carolina.
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kim martinez says:
Thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences of partridge berry!
Christine Borosh says:
You’re most welcome, Kim!
Paula Youmell, RN Herbalist says:
Thanks for sharing beautiful information and images.
Have you noticed that Google searches for herbal medicinal uses, natural medicine, etc. is no longer what it used to be.
Everything is webmd or pubMed “don’t touch this herb” info.
Refreshing to still have your website pop up.
Meghan Gemma says:
Yes, it’s quite frustrating. I’m so glad you’ve found our site. We have a blog article that links to our favorite herbal blogs, podcasts, and YouTube channels if you want to take a peek:
Paula Youmell, RN says:
Thanks so much!
Kim says:
Do you sell the tincture?
Sarah Sorci says:
We don’t sell tinctures, but Herb Pharm is one company that does offer Partridge Berry tincture. Here is their website.
Martin Hashonda says:
Hello Juliet,
What herbs can one use in place of Partridgeberry if it is unavailable?
Thank you.
Christine Borosh says:
Lady’s mantle and red raspberry leaf are also uterine tonics that can be used in place of partridgeberry. These herbs are generally readily available from many herbal suppliers.
Martin Hashonda says:
Thank you, Christine. I really appreciate the help. Cheers!
Ally Leadbetter says:
Thank you for this lovely monograph!! I am curious, though, if you have found anything that could be used on par with partridgeberry? I am trying to expand my apothecary to include more abundant options, and since this is on the watch list, I would love to find something that is a little less ecologically impactful! Thank you for all you do!!
Sara Kinney says:
Thank you for being a responsible herbalist! Raspberry leaf is our most abundant uterine tonic, and that can be taken over a long period of time. Partridgeberry’s ecological status varies a lot depending on where you are. It’s still fairly plentiful in some woodlands, but since woodlands overall are becoming more and more scarce, it’s definitely one that could become at-risk.
C Massey-Barber says:
I’ve ordered 6 partridgeberry plants so that I can put one or two of them in a woods-styled terrarium along with a few clubmoss plants and some moss. These all used to grow near each other along the tree borders of our woods, but have mostly disappeared over the years due to overgrown ferns. My question is do you know if goats like to eat any of these plants? My daughter is living on our acreage along with her husband and 8 week old baby (who is the absolute cutest baby I have ever seen!) as well as close to 20 goats (and 3 chickens). I will be able to keep them all indoors under plant lights if need be. Thanks so much for answering my question about a terrarium with partridgeberry.
Christine Borosh says:
Goats typically prefer to eat shrubs, so I don’t think you will have a problem with the low-growing partridgeberry, clubmoss, and moss. However, the goat’s hooves might be destructive to the plants if they are grazing in that area. I’d suggest keeping the plants protected from the goats just to be on the safe side.
Charlene Massey-Barber says:
Thank you for your common sense suggestion. I also just noticed a lovely wild rose that came up next to our driveway. I haven’t seen a wild rose here for decades and the one we previously had lived only a summer. But the goats have eaten quite a bit of the rose plant, thorns and all. I will be planting the partridge berry near there on the edge of the woods so I will be protecting them and the wild rose. I’m pretty sure chicken wire is not small enough for the baby goats who love to munch on all my favorite wild plants, so I will be searching for something a bit tighter. Maybe a heavy duty screen? When my garden was at its peak with wild and domestic plants we didn’t have any goats. But my daughter loves her goats, so it’s up to me to find a work-around. I don’t want to give up entirely on having a nature garden outdoors, even if it’s small. Thanks so much for all your help!
C Massey-Barber says:
I’m looking for a partridge berry plant to grow in a terrarium. I would like to grow a terrarium with native plants instead of imported plants because I love our woods so much and am losing the ability to walk among the trees due to a back injury. I live in the woods of Upstate New York and we do have a moderate number of partridge berry plants growing, though not as many as we used to with some of our trees gone to put in our house. I love that you explained how to propagate new plants so I will be doing that. Thanks so much. Our Eastern Hemlocks are still very much intact. But being some of my favorite trees, it really scares me at the thought of losing them. I will have to try to research the movement of the insects attacking them. I hope the rest of your Hemlocks will be ok. Blessings.
Christine Borosh says:
I love your idea of creating a terrarium to bring a bit of the woods inside for you to enjoy! Good luck propagating partridgeberry 🙂
Seanna Tully says:
Really wonderful article, Juliet. Lately, I’ve been giving a small amount (9ml in an 120ml formula) in formulas for my pregnant Lyme patients. They’re always on herbs to prevent transmission to the baby, and it made sense to me to give a bit of p-berry as a guide to the uterus, and as support for the pregnancy. I do also encourage the use of raspberry leaf and nettles infusions throughout preg. Curious as to your thoughts….
Seanna Tully
Juliet Blankespoor says:
I don’t see how the partridge berry would pose a problem–especially at those low doses–and it makes sense to me why you would add it to the formula. Without seeing the women as clients, I couldn’t say for sure, but it certainly doesn’t seem contraindicated in general for this scenario.
Best of luck and keep up the good work,
Wendy says:
I have just had my 4th miscarriage in the last 18 months (one at 12 weeks, the others at 8 weeks) and have had several medical tests done, but no cause found. I had 4 healthy pregnancies before the miscarriages and my youngest child is 2. I have had 3 d&c’s, with only the first miscarriage a natural one. I feel that after all the miscarriages and surgeries, that my womb is no longer able to support a pregnancy. I have been looking for something to take as I feel like I just need to do something to help me inside and was so pleased you that you mentioned partridge berry as useful after multiple miscarriages. Please could you say if you think this would be beneficial for me. I am already drinking red raspberry leaf tea. Many thanks, Wendy
Juliet Blankespoor says:
Hi Wendy, I’m sorry for your losses. Partridgeberry could certainly be called on to help tone your uterus, and is often used in this way after childbirth, miscarriage, or D&Cs. I think it would be beneficial in that sense, along with the raspberry leaf tea. I’d encourage you to work with a clinical herbalist, naturopathic doctor, or integrative gynecologist who could tailor their recommendations to your specific situation. Best of luck to you, dear!
Elizabeth says:
I adore partridgeberry, also called two-eyed berry. Thanks to its extraordinary effectiveness in easing menstrual difficulties, I can finally experience nearly pain-free menstruation with normal-to-heavy flow and avoid poisonous Tylenol. I owe a great debt of gratitude to this plant.
I am growing it for the first time around my property this year. Most of the seedlings are in a big bathtub I use as a planter, right under an old hemlock and a couple of white pines. What is the best time of year for harvesting the aerial parts for drying or making tinctures?
Thank you for this wonderful article.
Juliet Blankespoor says:
Hi Elizabeth,
Thanks for sharing your story and Im glad this sweet one has brought you relief! You can harvest partridge berry when its green vital, all throughout the growing season. If you give it a little haircut it will grow back from the base and fill out more. I like to get a few flowers and fruit in there to have a full-bodied medicine!
Linda Burch says:
Thank you for this informative article. We have a lot of Partridge Berry growing in our woods. Would this be a suitable treatment for a teenager with PCOS. If not what would be a proper treatment? She is very sick and her doctor wants to put her on birth control and a medicine for insulin resistance. Thank you in advance for your response.
Juliet Blankespoor says:
Hi Linda,
Partridge berry isn’t a hormone balancer. I know this message is late to the game but I would see an acupuncturist that works with herbs, an herbalist, or an ND or integrative gynecologist who works with herbs. Hoping for ease and answers!
Aubrey says:
I just stumbled across your blog and was wondering if you know if this is safe to give to children. In addition, is it safe to take long term? I’ve been studying herbs for 5+ years and think that this herb has the healing promoting properties I’ve been looking for. Thank you for your help!
Juliet Blankespoor says:
I just now found your comment! Partridge berry is safe for children and is used longterm, especially if you are taking it in a formula and take a break now and then, although it can be drying….
Thanks for visiting!
Hompath says:
Thanks for such nice articles on Partridgeberry.
Juliet Blankespoor says:
You’re welcome!
Kate says:
Thanks for the comprehensive information. I’m just learning about partridgeberry as a plant native to New England and growing eager to try it in my own yard. Your honest take on flavor and usage (and warnings against habitat loss/pillaging) are appreciated!
Juliet Blankespoor says:
Glad you enjoyed it!