Violet's Edible and Medicinal Uses
Written and Photographed by Juliet Blankespoor
Violets are welcome “weeds” in my garden. In fact, the common blue violet—my particular brand of violet garden guest—is native to these parts, which is more than I can say for myself.
The common blue violet (Viola sororia, Violaceae) is native to most of central and eastern North America. It is a common sight in lawns, gardens, sidewalk cracks and along trailsides. The common blue violet is typically considered a “weed” because of its relative ease in adapting to human disturbance, but it pushes the definition because it has been on this continent for a very long time.
The leaves and flowers of the common blue violet, along with many other species, are edible and medicinal. The “confederate violet” is an escaped cultivar (cultivated variety) of Viola sororia—it has white flowers with blue streaks and is an inhabitant of lawns in the southeastern United States.

Common blue violet (Viola sororia)

Confederate violet (Viola sororia)
The sweet violet (Viola odorata, Violaceae) is the principal medicinal and culinary species used in Europe. It has escaped cultivation in many locales, because it is popularly planted for its fragrance. Much of the American use of violets stems from the European herbal tradition. Interestingly, most violet species in North America lack the signature aroma of sweet violet.
The Viola genus contains around 550 species, mostly found in the temperate climates of the world. Many species of violet are used similarly to the common blue violet. Most wild foods authors report that the blue and white flowered species of violet are all edible, but not the yellow flowered species. Other authors write that all species are serviceable.
I notice that the leaves of some of the wild violets have an unpleasant soapy flavor, which leaves a funny feeling at the back of my throat; this is most likely from high levels of saponins. I avoid these plants, and instead go for the milder tasting species. Some woodland species of violet are rare and should not be disturbed. A good course of action is to identify the common species of violet in your area and then research their edibility and/or traditional uses for medicine. But there’s a good chance that you have common blue violets or the sweet violet growing in your area—both of which are good wild edibles and choice medicinals.
How to Identify Violets
It’s difficult to give specific characteristics for the whole Viola genus, as there is considerable variation between the hundreds of species, but there are general traits to look for. Most violet species are herbaceous perennials with a basal rosette of heart-shaped or irregularly lobed leaves. The leaves typically bear rounded teeth and are smooth.
The flowers are characteristically irregular and most have a little rounded tail (nectar spur) if you turn them over. Children seem to have a special affinity for this charismatic group of plants; perhaps because its bright flowers are well within their reach.
Violets actually have many look-alikes, many of which are inedible or poisonous, so only harvest them when the flowers are present and you are 100% sure that you have a violet. Please reference a reliable plant identification guide when gathering any wild edible or medicinal herb. You can use this book list for my personal recommendations.

Violet and chickweed salad, garnished with dandelion flowers
Violet’s Edible Uses
I enjoy violet leaves and flowers in salad, pesto, and in sandwiches and wraps. The roots of most violet species can cause nausea and vomiting, and should not be eaten. The leaves and flowers can be harvested with scissors in a “haircut” style multiple times throughout the spring until the leaves become too fibrous. They will often make a comeback in the fall, with a flush of tender new growth. Violet leaves can be sautéed or steamed. I also like to stir them into soups as a nutrient-dense thickener. The flowers make a lovely garnish—we sprinkle them on salads and add them to cakes and pancakes. Violet flowers are also beautiful when candied or frozen into ice cubes.

Chickweed and violet hummus

Fresh violet and chickweed greens on a bagel with garlic sauce
Parts Used: Leaves and flowers; aboveground parts in flower
Medicinal Preparations: Infusion, syrup, honey, vinegar, poultice, compress, salve, and infused oil
Herbal Actions:
- Demulcent
- Anti-inflammatory
- Expectorant
- Alterative
- Lymphagogue
- Vulnerary (promotes wound healing)
- Antitumor
- Antirheumatic
- Diuretic
- Mild laxative
Violet is cooling and moistening and is used internally as a blood cleanser, respiratory remedy, and lymphatic stimulant. It is taken as a tea or syrup, and can also be eaten for its medicine. The exact dosage is not especially important since it can safely be consumed in large quantities. As a gentle food herb, violet is generally safe for elders, youngsters, and people who are taking pharmaceuticals.
Violet has a rich tradition in Europe, where it has been used for centuries as a pulmonary remedy for dry hacking cough. It is often recommended for bronchitis and whooping cough, along with the roots of marshmallow (Althaea officinalis) and licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra). Violet can also be used as a tonic for chronically swollen lymph nodes. As with many other herbs with an action on the lymphatic system, it has a long tradition of use in the treatment of cancer.

Violet’s secret subterranean flowers
Violet leaves contain a good bit of mucilage, or soluble fiber, and thus are helpful in lowering cholesterol levels (similar to oatmeal). Soluble fiber is also helpful in restoring healthy populations of intestinal flora, as beneficial bacteria feed off of this type of fiber. The leaves are high in Vitamins A and C, and rutin, which is a glycoside of the flavonoid quercetin. Rutin has been shown in animal and in vitro studies to be antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and blood thinning. Many foods that are high in rutin, such as buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum), are eaten traditionally as a remedy for hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
Topically, violet is used as a poultice, compress, infused oil, and salve for dry or chafed skin, abrasions, insect bites, eczema, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It is cooling, soothing, and anti-inflammatory. See my articles on the topical uses of calendula for infused oil, salve, and poultice recipes.
Safety & Contraindications: Avoid internal use with individuals who have the rare inherited disorder G6PD (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) deficiency, because it can aggravate hemolytic anemia.
P.S. If this isn’t enough to enamor you of their presence, violets have secret underground flowers, which never open to the light of day, yet still set seed. Read about these subterranean “Plan B” flowers here.
Think twice before weeding out this medicinal and edible wildflower; it may be one of the most valuable plants in your garden, even if you didn’t put it there!
If you’re interested in learning more about foraging, wild edibles, and medicinals, please check out our Online Foraging Course and Herbal Immersion Program.
Meet the Green Mastermind Behind Blog Castanea:

JULIET BLANKESPOOR is the founder, primary instructor, and Creative Director of the Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine, an online school serving thousands of students from around the globe. She's a professional plant-human matchmaker and bonafide plant geek, with a degree in botany and over 30 years of experience teaching and writing about herbalism, medicine making, and organic herb cultivation. Juliet’s lifelong captivation with medicinal weeds and herb gardening has birthed many botanical enterprises over the decades, including an herbal nursery and a farm-to-apothecary herbal products business.
These days, she channels her botanical obsession through her writing and photography in her online programs, on her personal blog Castanea, and in her new book, The Healing Garden: Cultivating and Handcrafting Herbal Remedies. Juliet and her family reside in a home overrun with houseplants and books in Asheville, North Carolina.
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Mark Woychik says:
I’m making a salve for insect bites and poison ivy
The base will be olive oil, coconut oil and beeswax
I will be infusing dried aloe, jewelweed, plantain weed and burdock
Also will be some witch hazel for drying out the skin.
Do you believe violet would be a beneficial ingredient?
Thank you
Christine Borosh says:
Yes, violet would also be an excellent addition to your salve!
sabrina says:
Hello, I was wondering do you know if birds foot violets are edible? I have found an abundance of them!!
Melissa Quercia says:
That’s exciting that you have found an abundance of birdfoot violets, Sabrina! This ppost states, “Most wild foods authors report that the blue and white flowered species of violet are all edible, but not the yellow flowered species. Other authors write that all species are serviceable.” This article goes more into depth about the birdfoot violet (Viola pedata).
Crissy O says:
This is so interesting, thank you for sharing this information – I’m going to learn more. How do violets help the cardiovascular system? Does it help reduce the overproduction of secretions which makes coughing worse?
Melissa Quercia says:
I’m glad to hear that you found this information helpful, Crissy. Please keep in mind that the actions on the cardiovascular system are specific to the Viola tricolor species, and not all violet species. Viola tricolor has been used for cardiac conditions like high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. In regards to coughs, violet does not stop the production of mucus. Instead, it helps to soothe the mucus membranes and make coughs more productive by making it easier for the mucus to move out of the body.
Melanie says:
Are there any herbs I should be aware of not to mix with this? I have goldenrod leaves and violet leaves dried. I’d like to make oils with them then combine into a salve. Thanks in advance!
Christine Borosh says:
As long as the herbs are safe, you don’t need to be concerned about any issues with combining them together. As a salve, I love combining violet infused oil with calendula, yarrow, and plantain infused oils and then adding in beeswax. This makes a wonderful healing salve.
Norma Ryan says:
I have a question: what do you know about “Hearts Ease?” I know it is a member of the Viola family.
Personally, I have loved violets since I was a child — back in the Age of Dinosaurs.
Meghan Gemma says:
I love heartsease and plant them in my garden every year! Heartsease, or Johnny jump ups (Viola tricolor), are native to temperate Europe and have escaped cultivation in many locales. They resemble a miniature pansies and are an old-fashioned bedding plant, with many cultivars still available.
Heartsease has many of the same medicinal uses as the sweet violet, with some additional cardiovascular uses. The leaves and flowers have been used as a remedy for cardiac conditions, including high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. It is also used internally and externally for a number of skin conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, and acne.
With its high levels of flavonoids, especially in the flowers, the plant is highly antioxidant and has a good degree of anti-inflammatory and blood vessel-strengthening applications. Like sweet violet, heartsease contains salicylates and has been used internally as a skeletomuscular anti-inflammatory. says:
“We all dream of some magical rose garden that lies beyond the horizon, instead of enjoying the roses that bloom right outside our window.” – Dale Carnegie (1888-1955)
Kurz says:
How about seeds’ edibility? I’ve read that they have been found in intestines of one of danish bog bodies.
Sarah Sorci says:
I’m not familiar with whether violet seeds are edible. Here’s what Green Deane of Eat the Weeds has to say: “Virtually no published reference I have ever mentions seeds.”
Alana says:
Hello, I’ve been confused looking about yellow violets. There are sites saying not to eat them, do you know a reason for this? I have also seen a site saying you can eat the flowers and leaves. Do they have higher saponin levels? We have lots of yellow violets in the wild, but no purple or blue violets. If you know anything about the topic, that would help.
Sarah Sorci says:
Since yellow violets aren’t abundant in my area (and I was taught to avoid them in favor of purple and white violets for food and medicine), I don’t have experience using the yellow-flowered species. This Eat the Weeds article notes that yellow violets may be mildly laxative, but I otherwise haven’t found info about how these species’ constituents differ from other Viola species. If you encounter a useful resource, I’d be interested in checking it out!
Catherine says:
So I wanted to make an infused oil for salves with violets. You mentioned that tincture is not a good option but vinegar is. What about olive oil? Curious as to the extraction ability?
Sarah Sorci says:
Yes, violet-infused olive oil is a wonderful preparation for the skin! Here’s a note and recipe from the Blog Castanea article “The Many Uses of Violet:A Round-Up of Herbal Resources & Recipes:”
“Calendula’s Benefits for the Skin: How to Make Calendula Oil and Salve: You’ll notice that this recipe actually features calendula, but you can just substitute violet leaves in for the calendula, or combine them for a soothing, skin-healing remedy.”
Michelle says:
Thank you Sarah, I will give it go. I am low on Calendula, I grow my own. Down to the last half cup. We are about to go into Winter and I am having trouble getting some from my supplier in Australia, its sold out. I will have to wait. I do have dried violets here, 2 cups worth. I use them both. Will let you know how I go 🙂
Sarah Sorci says:
That’s great that you grow your own calendula, Michelle! I find oils and salves with just violet to be wonderful, so that’s an option if you don’t want to wait for access to more calendula. (You could also make an infused oil with violet now, and make calendula oil to blend it with whenever you’re ready.) I’d love to hear how it goes!
Michelle says:
Thanks for the tips. I will try them. I may make smaller amounts of each. I have been using dried violets mixed with other flowers and herbs in a botanical mix for bath teas, and bath salts. Made a lovely bath milk with violets, calendula and oats. I am just having fun experimenting. Have a great weekend. I will share 🙂
Sarah Sorci says:
Wow, that bath milk sounds delightful, Michelle! I’m glad that you’re having fun playing with these preparations 🙂
Michelle says:
Hi Juliet,
I was wondering if I could add the dried flowers to a healing bath mix to help soothe and calm the skin. I am using oatmeal, chamomile and honey and wanted to add some more colour. So it’s between Violets and or a mix with Heartsease.
Christine Borosh says:
Sure, any kind of violet would be a lovely addition to your healing bath mix! Calendula is a wonderful healing flower to include as well.
Michelle says:
Thank you Christine.
Betty says:
Can I mix violet leaf with broad leaf plantain for an herbal bath tea to nourish and moisturize the skin?
Christine Borosh says:
Absolutely, that sounds lovely! When making herbal baths, I like to prepare the herbal tea, strain the herbs out, and then add the liquid into the bath. It sure looks pretty to see the herbs floating directly in the bathwater, but I find that this is very messy to clean up. I hope this helps 🙂
Chyanne Mathis says:
could you use persian violets for any teas?
Sarah Sorci says:
Persian violet (Exacum affine) is in a different genus (and plant family) than the violets discussed in this article. I don’t know of any edible or medicinal uses for this plant, lovely as it is!
dr w says:
persian violets were used traditionally (and probably still are) for chronic insomnia. The distilled water (tea) was drunk and applied inside the nostrils.
Sarah Sorci says:
That’s interesting info–I’ll look forward to learning more about this plant.
Abid Sheikh says:
It is interesting to note all of this. Thanks
Sandy says:
Are Viola banksii similar or ok to use the as the Viola odorata
Sara Kinney says:
I’m not familiar with this species, which is native to Australia. I’d recommend checking in local field guides or other foraging books specific to your region. Viola species do vary a bit, so it’s important to research each species’ traditional uses.
Mina says:
Can I use pansy and violas (from commercial nursery) for herbal teas using leaves and flowers as I heard that they are good for relaxation? Also, here in Australia we have a type called wooded violets (dark green leaves and a small plant closed to the ground) – do they have the same medicinal value? Can you suggest anymore relaxing herb as I am currently using lavender, rose petals, lemon balm etc but prefer something flowery and more relaxing as peri menopause is keeping me awake and stressed? Thanks
Christine Borosh says:
Pansies and violas are both ornamental hybrid plants. They have edible flowers if they haven’t been sprayed, but they aren’t used medicinally. Most plants you’ll purchase from commercial nurseries are grown with chemicals unless you specifically seek out organic plants. There are about 550 species of violets and some can be used for medicine as described in this article. Since there are so many violet species out there, you’ll need to figure out which species you have growing in your area and then do some research to see if it has been traditionally used as medicine.
Those are all wonderful relaxing nervine herbs. I also like tulsi and chamomile. All of those herbs together would make a lovely tea blend or herbal syrup!
Kate says:
passionflower, chamomile and linden are excellent for stress. Skullcap is too but stronger sedative effect and amazing for sleepless nights. You could also try catnip which is safe for children too.
Shana says:
I would like to know if tincture could be made out of Violet leaves. I have the species Viola sororia. I would like to use 40% Vodka as the sole solvent. I’m hoping to use the Violet tincture for coughing, will that work? I can’t find much information about tincturing Violets.
Christine Borosh says:
Making a tincture is not the best way to prepare violet because the mucilage and minerals found in violet are water soluble and not effectively extracted by alcohol. We recommend making a tea (infusion), syrup, or infused vinegar instead to make the most effective medicinal preparation.
Shana says:
Thank you for your prompt reply. That would explain why I can’t seem to find any information on tincturing it.
How is a person supposed to know what constituents are beneficial within a plant and what solvent, whether alcohol, ACV, glycerin, and such, to use to extract those medicinal properties out? Is there a book that contains all of that?
Thank you
Christine Borosh says:
We teach this in our Online Herbal Medicine Making Course! We would love to have you join us for the course. In terms of books on this topic, Herbal Constituents: Foundations of Phytochemistry by Lisa Ganora is a wonderful resource.
Inez says:
I just made a tincture from the leaves and it is very mucilaginous (fast extraction with a high speef blender) ! I will use it anyway as I don’t want to waste it, but I will choose other preparations next time
Carol L says:
I just purchased violet tincture made with glycerin….is that ok to take?
Does it have any beneficial properties?
Very new to violets health benefits
Christine Borosh says:
Yes, the herbal actions and medicinal uses of violet outlined in this article will be present in the glycerin tincture. Enjoy working with this wonderful plant!
Kate says:
Wonderful article. For the tea does it need to be fresh or can it be dried for medicinal benefit? I’ve heard it’s useful for dry sinuses to especially when used with a Nero pot
Christine Borosh says:
Dried violet can also be used, it doesn’t have to be fresh! Violet is cooling and moistening, so that would certainly be indicated for dry and inflamed sinuses. So glad you enjoyed this article!
Caroline Eliot says:
Are leaves of the Confederate violet edible? I have both the common and Confederate intermingling in my lawn.
Christine Borosh says:
The confederate violet is a cultivar of the common blue violet (Viola sororia) and you can use them interchangeably for food and medicine.
Kelly says:
My yard is COVERED in these! I had no idea! I don’t spray my yard I don’t allow anyone to come near my yard with chems. I harvest weeds all the time. Can I dry these and use them in cooking and soaps?
Christine Borosh says:
Sure! You can also read through our article on Foraging for Wild Edibles and Herbs: Sustainable and Safe Gathering Practices for our thoughts and guidelines on foraging sustainably and safely.
Sibylle Swinney says:
Hello! I am from Europe and now live in the San Francisco Bay Area.
About this time of the year after the ever so cold German winters, my beloved fragrant VIOLETS covered our garden.
I am searching and searching for VIOLET plants ……. can I order them from you?
Gratefully yours,
Christine Borosh says:
We don’t sell plants, but Strictly Medicinal Seeds and Crimson Sage Nursery are great companies to purchase medicinal plants and seeds from! Happy gardening 🙂
Branka says:
I have some in my backyard garden in central CA. We can figure out how to get them to you in SF
Elizabeth Lightfeather says:
Love wild violets and each year I’ve made violet syrup. The color is just beautiful.
Marcelle Doggett says:
Do you have a recipe to share? Would love to have it. Thanks.
Sara Kinney says:
We don’t have a recipe on the blog, but it can be as easy as throwing some violet flowers on top of your salad. We adorned a cake with some this week, and it made it look ever so festive!
Sandra says:
thank you for all the great info. one thing i’ve not been able to figure out is when i bring in my flowers, how do i get rid of the bugs on them? i’ve brought in flowers and greens to make things with but even after setting for awhile the bugs are still there. little gnats, ants and other small ones. i don’t want to spray my garden with pesticides. any suggestions? and thank you for the wonderful articles. 🙂
Juliet Blankespoor says:
You’re so welcome, Sandra! I’m glad you are enjoying the blog. Usually, after sitting for 1-2 hours post-harvest, the bugs will leave the plant material. However, if there are still bugs after this time, you can shake the flowers upside down or use a brush to manually remove them. Best of luck to you!
Alkistis says:
Great post, i’m from Greece and you are one of my favorites to read, for the useful information and the great photography!
Juliet Blankespoor says:
I’m so glad that you enjoyed this post! Thanks for the kind words 🙂
marcking says:
THANK YOU for sharing more on Johnny Jump Ups! I have invited these adorable and happy little “weeds” in my gardens and eaten them since I was a child.
Mary P. Brown says:
Gorgeous, gorgeous images – thank you for this beautiful article!
Juliet Blankespoor says:
Thanks, Mary!
Dawnielle says:
In the early 1900’s (up until the 50’s,) violet flowers were given by women to other women to communicate their “sapphic”/lesbian desire. The act was much attributed to Sappho’s description being “violet-haired” (wearing violets in her hair) and her reputation as a lesbian because of her emphasis on Eros and Aphrodite. The violet is sacred to Aphrodite. Violet crowns were commonly worn for protection by the goddess.
Juliet Blankespoor says:
So interesting! Thanks for sharing that bit of herstory 🙂 I wonder if the appearance of the flower had much to do with it’s secret meaning?!? It does resemble a certain aspect of human anatomy!
shontel says:
All species of heart ease can be eaten, drunk and applied. They all have the same actions…just in varying degrees. I do agree that the plants must be organically grown
According to the “Doctrine of Signatures” herbs will be the shape, color, texture etc of the organ/system it treats.
In this case it may look like a labia as some suggested. However, it also has the anatomical features of a heart…when viewed from an anterior/superior view point…
What an interesting post your wrote Dawnielle. The flowers are considered an aphrophadisic….And will mend an emotionally broken heart also. 🙂 Which I have heard of no other herb
It is also known as the herb of the ‘Thinker”
These flowers have been popular with great men through time…King Louis XV111 had a crest of arms made for his favorite most trusted assistant, as he was a ‘great thinker’..And to the great conquerer Napoleon Pansy was his symbol.
A small flower with a remarkable history…proving its value as an exceptional herb (food)
I bought some fresh heart ease (pansys) at the farmers market…Added them to a tea…And noticed that for the first time in many weeks I slept very deeply and peacefullly
I have much knowledge in medicines of all kinds & despite many many herbs & treatments, had been chasing my tail to restore my former healthy sleeping pattern for weeks
Yet this small flower that could go unnoticed…and is rarely used in medicine today (if at all) ,has me sleeping like a baby & waking full of vigor & sparkle
I have studied with noted herbalists, yet none mentioned this wonderful herb (Food) So I have spent many hours over the last weeks researching this humble unassuming yet very powerful plant. referring to books that go back to the 18th & 19th centuries & beyond
It was used primarily for :
!. problems of the heart…both of physical (pain, afib, palpitations L sided heart failure), and emotional/romance kind distress due to relationship problems
2. Respiratory problems…dry cough & asthma..
3.And skin conditions. acne, rashes, and the hard to teat ezcema and psoriasis
I have found an infusion 1oz to 1pint distilled water of the flowers will take the sting and anger out of an insect bite, a bruise, a rash or a cut…calm a non productive cough…steady the nerves….give sound sleep to even the most rattled of fair maidens….and make the most handsome charming of young men/women swoon at the feet of the lady who drinks the tea of heart-ease (violets or pansys)
Christine Borosh says:
Thank you for joining in the conversation! It is wonderful to hear about your experience and research. This is indeed such a powerful plant!
Tammie says:
such a wonderful post with beautiful images, thank you so much.
i saw my first yellow wild violet in the forest yesterday, such a joy to greet it.
here in NW Montana spring comes on slowly. We have Canada, violet and yellow violets.
Juliet Blankespoor says:
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it! What a joy to see woodland violets, especially after a long winter.
Abby Nolan says:
Have you tried Johnny Jump Ups flowers or leaves (viola rafinesquii) as an edible? They are much smaller blooms than violets with different kinds of leaves. Wondering if they are worth the time to make a syrup or honey with. Thanks
Juliet Blankespoor says:
Hi Abby,
I simply eat the flowers of Johhny Jump ups, and don’t use them medicinally. However, they’re traditionally used in Europe similarly to the common blue violet–as a blood cleanser, heart tonic, and respiratory remedy for dry, hacking coughs. The flowers and leaves are used as a tea or syrup. I’m referring to Viola tricolor, which is the plant most people call Johnny Jump ups, or Hearts Ease, but the species you mentioned is a different violet….Just wanted to make sure we are on the same page!
SuziQ says:
THANK YOU for sharing more on Johnny Jump Ups! I have invited these adorable and happy little “weeds” in my gardens and eaten them since I was a child. I have long loved their gently sweet spiced little blossoms in salads and while puttering in the garden. I did not however know of their medicinal value! I will certainly be making more of an effort with this this spring!
Juliet Blankespoor says:
They are quite adorable, aren’t they? Glad you’re enjoying all the lovely plants “jumping up” in your garden. 😉
Trena porter says:
Are these also Pansy’s ?
Juliet Blankespoor says:
Pansies are hybrids originating with crosses between Viola tricolor and other Viola species. They have edible flowers if they haven’t been sprayed (most commercial bedding plants are grown with chemicals). Try looking for pansy plants from your local organic herb nursery or grow your own. Because they are of unknown parentage and are novel hybrids, they aren’t used medicinally. However, the high levels of flavonoids and related antioxidant compounds in the petals make them a functional food-medicine.
Susanne says:
Thank you for sharing your knowledge! Your photos are beautiful. =)
Can viola tri-color (common little johnny jump-ups) be used in the same ways as the viola sororia mentioned above?
Juliet Blankespoor says:
Thanks! I answered your question in Abby’s comment thread:)