Ethically harvest witch hazel branches, bark, fresh leaves and/or new bud growth*
Take any of the woody plant material, bring it to a boil, then simmer for 20 minutes, covered.
Turn off heat, add tender leaves/buds, and cover.
Steep for an hour or more (the more plant material you add and the longer it steeps, the stronger the sitz bath brew will be).
Fill a bath with enough warm water to completely cover your pelvic floor.
Now strain the witch hazel extract and add the liquid to the bath.
Soak in the tub for 20 minutes.
Whatever the issue is that you are addressing with the sitz bath—hemorrhoids, postpartum tears and soreness, rash—send positive energy to that area and take deep belly breaths while soaking. Visualize the witch hazel and your body doing a marvelous healing dance together!